August 21, 2010

New Site Design, More Features Coming

I have updated the site with a brand new look! Here is what is new:
- A new site layout, design, and banner. Give your opinion on the new look with the poll on the sidebar.
- We now have a channel on YouTube. Many of the videos that are on this site will be uploaded to it. This is simply to bring you an alternate way of watching, so please subscribe!

There are more updates that will be rolled out through the next couple months. Here's a few of the new features coming soon:
- You will be able download all videos on the site in a .zip file containing the videos. All downloadable videos are encoded in the .mp4 container, which means they can be put on your iTunes and Mac hardware.
- The video player will be upgraded to the most recent version, which has HTML 5 capabilities. That means the videos will now be playable on your iPod/iPhone/iPad, and will work smoother on newer web browsers.
- Many new videos will be posted in the next few weeks. Our first ever DVD will be released soon, which is an entire show. We also have extra footage of the Third Season music video, the director's cut of the Leaving Song Pt. II music video, an entire live Blaqk Audio show, a bunch of interviews, and new full live shows.


  1. great design cant wait for shows

  2. This design is pretty sweet man. Nice job.

  3. Director's cut of the Leaving Song Pt. II??Ok,you need to post that as soon as possible,can`t wait to see that :D

  4. I have the directors cut of the leaving song pt. 2, but its not that great of quality, I hope you have a superior one. WAHOO!

  5. I really hope Dave and Jade's 2006 australian interview is among that bunch; I tried to find it on youtube today and it's been deleted :|

    Nice header btw, good mix of the old and new with the Black Sails ship and Crash Love-era photos and text :)

  6. wow, this is some great news. thank you guys, it's really appreciated :)
